North Huron Children's Programs
North Huron Children's Centre |
239 William Street, Wingham, ON. N0G 2W0 519-357-2424 Fax 519-357-2091 |
North Huron Early Learning |
(Located at Sacred Heart School) 225 Cornyn Street, Wingham, ON. N0G 2W0 519-357-1777 |
Before & After School |
Maitland River 250 John St. East, Wingham, ON. N0G 2W0 519-531-0775 Sacred Heart 225 Cornyn St. Wingham, ON. N0G 2W0 519-537-1777 |
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Revised July 2024
North Huron Children's Centre
Program Statement
How Does Learning Happen?
Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years (2014) will be the foundation for North Huron Children’s Programs.
North Huron Children’s Program’s view each child as competent, capable, curious and rich in potential. Each child’s learning and development will be supported with planned positive learning environments. This document is a tool for developing the programs and services. Programs incorporate opportunities for indoor and outdoor play. During the day there is active play, rest and quiet time, all while also considering the individual needs of the child. We provide morning and afternoon snacks, as well as hot lunches. All meals and snack are planned and prepared according to Canada’s Food Guide to promote health and nutrition. This Program Statement is reviewed annually by staff to ensure it is current and based on evidence based practice and policy.
Developing relationships, spending time with children in their play and discovery is important. Staff are aware of children’s curiosity and wonder. Indicators of this include allowing self-regulation (choices) for things like snacks and meals, creative opportunities, play styles and emotional expression. Opportunities to express all emotions and feelings in a safe, nurturing environment are not only allowed but encouraged. Children will be allowed to explore materials, toys and environments in meaningful ways to them. Intervention will happen if there is a danger to themselves, others or destruction of equipment.
Play based learning is the foundation for lifelong learning, including ensuring safety, health, nutrition and well-being. Our programs will foster children’s exploration, play and inquiry, by providing child-initiated and adult-supported experiences. Staff will reflect the style of learning which follows children’s interests, allows problem solving and explorations. This includes reflection, review and observations. As co-learners we can puzzle as to why children do certain things and provide opportunities for advancing their ideas. We document learning for families which allows them to see the learning and ask questions. It expands and explains for parents what we learned from their child and allows us to demonstrate how we expanded their child’s interests and learning. Individual portfolios will be kept for children. Regular documentation is completed. Finding opportunities to extend interests in a way that is meaningful to the children can be kept as a project documentation. You will see children’s and staff’s learning made visible. This is building and encouraging engagement from parents and other agencies. Understanding child development includes building in rich language opportunities, cognitive and scientific understanding. Social skill building is vital in a child’s successful learning environment. Plenty of opportunities for writing, reading and documenting by the children should be available in the children’s environments. Learning through play staff support children’s natural curiosity and exuberance lead by providing knowledgeable, responsive early childhood professionals.
Creative opportunities are offered daily. Learning about art and creation together is part of our co-learning environment. Clay, painting of all kinds, sketching, building of sculptures, using materials in unique ways, self-portraits are all common art experiences. In each room we have beautiful supplies in a variety of materials. Materials can include a wide variety of drawing tools, a range of scissors, tape, glue, paints, collage supplies, books related to art, papers of all kinds and sizes. Planned art invitations and provocations are offered daily. Encouraging exploration of materials and supplies is ongoing!
Scheduling for children should allow minimal disruptions in their play periods. Working towards a daily routine that allows plenty of uninterrupted time and minimal waiting or holding times. Staff may have group meeting times; they are encouraged to invite all children but not insist upon their participation. They should also consider having something engaging or fun that children voluntarily participate. Staff plan ahead for transitions working to tidy and prepare for moving with the children, assisting and participating, doing as much as they can with the children to ensure children move seamlessly to the next area.
North Huron Programs develops partnerships with families and are committed to ongoing communication and engagement with them and their communities. Community partners are encouraged and supported to be involved in our programs. Currently, Growing Together Preschool resource teachers participate in our programs on a weekly basis. Staff regularly support families and help make referrals to provide additional supports to families as needed. The Small Talk Speech and Language staff provide support and visits to build on goals for children and families in the community. Thames Valley attends providing Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy when required. Huron County Public Health Unit and our programs work collaboratively and host a Flu Clinic annually. The County of Huron works ongoing with our programs to ensure funding and parent subsidy needs have been met.
Communication with families is a big priority in the North Huron Children’s Centre. All parents enjoy, need and want to hear about their child’s activities; this is part of our relationship building and collaboration with families. It demonstrates our involvement with their child and allows them to feel a part of their child’s day. We currently use "HiMama", an online communication tool to facilitate daily communication in the Infant and Toddler groups. We are looking at developing an annual questionnaire to review what has been successful and if there are current needs of our parents not being met.
Staff will take a few minutes at pick-up or drop-off times to share positives and describe new skills the children are developing. This also promotes the educational experiences we have achieved throughout the day. Questions regarding children will be answered by staff or they will find out answers. Families are the focus of our Centre and as much as possible we want their needs or requests to be met. Strong communications with parents builds confidence and trust in our programs.
Our programs respect diversity, equality and inclusion as important for optimal development and learning. Confidentiality is required and expected. This includes respecting parents right to privacy regarding their children’s attendance at our Centre; privacy regarding children’s behaviour, family situations and confidentiality regarding co-workers. Anti-biased training and Bully and Workplace Violence are reviewed annually.
Communication between staff is essential. If schedules or routines need adjusting staff will discuss these issues with their co-workers and problem solve (problem solving is a good example for the children). We encourage building a strong team that includes supporting one another. Conversations about plans, ideas and concerns regarding the children (reflect, review, do, reflect review, do, etc.) happen regularly. Teams are encouraged to support each other when they notice a positive learning situation that just occurred, use the language in How Does Learning Happen with one another. Asking questions? Wondering why they did something?
Continuous Professional Learning is valued and encouraged for all staff at North Huron Children’s Programs (both trained and untrained staff). It is expected that all RECE’s will participate in the College of Early Childhood Educator Continuous Learning guidelines. All staff are encouraged and supported to participate in local and advertised staff training opportunities. Staff are expected to attend all scheduled staff meetings as posted. Staff are required to complete regular self-reflections to ensure we are keeping current on How Does Learning Happen and understanding how it is reflected in their own professional development as an Early Childhood Educator. Our Centre will annually review the impact of these strategies on the children and their families.
Program Statement Implementation Policy
How Does Learning Happen will be the Foundation for programming and learning as detailed in our Program Statement. Staff, volunteers and students will review and sign-off on the Program Statement prior to beginning to work in our program and annually thereafter. If any substantial changes are made staff, volunteers and students will do a follow up review and sign-off. As discussed in the Program Statement, Ongoing Professional Learning associated with How Does Learning Happen will be supported and encouraged for all staff. North Huron Children’s Programs are committed to providing quality programming.
All information contained in a child’s records is considered privileged and confidential. The information required on records such as name, address, telephone number, immunization records, alternate pick-ups etc. will be kept confidential. Consents must be signed that authorize the release of information to other agencies and persons (as specified by the family); otherwise the family has the right to privacy that if full recognized and protected.
Approaches for Staff
With play and engagement being the basis for all learning you will see Staff, volunteers and students providing long uninterrupted play periods. You will notice plenty of play choices in each room including items that encourage creative opportunities, sand, water, blocks, dress up or pretend items, and loose parts for investigation and imaginative play. Equipment will be changed as children’s interests change or the equipment no longer engages them. Equipment will be disinfected regularly and keep in an attractive manner. Parts and pieces will be kept together at all times. Staff will leave their rooms in an orderly manner at the end of each day ensuring baskets, bins and items are sorted and organized. Walls and bulletin boards will reflect children’s activities, interests and provide beauty and information. You will notice staff regularly tidy and assist the children in keeping their space attractive and inviting to others. You will hear staff guiding the children using positive words and breaking this into small manageable tasks. When children appear done with items or equipment staff, students and volunteers will assist them in tidying them up. Students and volunteers are important in our programs. Staff will assist them in following all program statement ideas. Staff will ensure they are not left alone with the children.
Attractive provocations will be provided regularly. There may be beautifully arranged art opportunities including a wide variety of materials and mediums. You might see a book and some items or objects from that book out to encourage more engagement. Blocks may have some new props or items included to build on a child’s idea. A new item may be set up with some of our other items to see what the children will create or do with them. Staff will ensure they are providing variety and methods of provocation to encourage science, reading, building, exploring and creating. Creativity will be encouraged and supported by all. Children can be creative with their use of the toys. Where and how they play with them will allow creative choice. Art and messy play will be allowed so they can explore materials in a wide variety of ways. Art activities will allow free exploration of materials.
To encourage and allow self-regulation you will hear staff offering choices, providing opportunities for independent serving of meals and snacks, and encouraging independent play and dressing. You will observe staff letting children decide what they want on their plates and if they want to finish or try something new. You will hear staff encouraging and guiding dressing using positive words and assisting when children require it. If a child seems tired or upset you will see staff sit with them and try to find a solution that will help the child feel better. Some examples might be they want to rest or nap, play in a different spot or just have some cuddle time with the teacher, volunteer or student. Staff will ensure children will be allowed to nap or rest as needed. Staff will ensure they are completing physical checks of the children and documenting them during sleep periods.
You will notice that staff do not leave children unattended or ignored. They are always available and responsive to the children. This means children will not be left in areas were staff cannot visually see them. To encourage independence and self-regulation staff will work hard at keeping transitions from one area to another smooth and seamless with little waiting and a calm environment. This will include smaller groups and staggered entries and exits whenever possible. Staff will maintain ratios. Staff will count at all times ensuring all children in their care are always present with them. They will ensure when they are leaving a room, leaving the building or re-entering the build and rooms that they read each child’s name on their transition cards and ensure they are physically with them.
Staff, students and volunteers will build relationships with the children. You will notice them having conversations with the children, joining the children in their play, providing comfort when they are sad and helping them with strategies for calming down and resolving issues. Children will be encouraged to express all types of feelings. Children will notice that they are important and respected by how we talk to them. We use encouraging words, we label feelings and show understanding when they are feeling overwhelmed or grumpy. Staff, students and volunteers are reminded that we always talk calmly and quietly to children. We always go directly to the children and get down at their level. We talk directly to them and problem solve with them if there is an issue. If children are feeling frustrated or expressing big body needs staff will assist them in finding appropriate ways through talking and problem solving. Staff may do this by encouraging a quiet conversation away from the issue. They may then assist the child in reentering the group situation.
To help the children feel that they belong in our programs you will find that staff display their art or special work in meaningful and beautiful ways. Art will be hung respectfully and artfully displayed. Staff will regularly complete pedagogical documentation on each child and their room. You will find staff have photographs of the children, their families and their activities placed where children can appreciate them. Families will be greeted and information will be shared positively. Families are encouraged to leave written instructions to ensure staff understand their and their child’s needs. Parents who have an issue are encouraged to place it in writing. They may then follow further complaint procedures if it has not been corrected. Notes will be left for parents to help regarding wet or dirty clothes, if we need supplies or have a concern.
The outdoor environment is an important part of our daily activities. It is viewed as the third teacher. Staff will ensure they are providing opportunities for exploration and risk taking. They will add in props and equipment to assist children in building their physical skills and learning to play both independently and co-operatively. Staff will position themselves on the playground so that all children are visible at all times. Staff will keep gates, door and sheds closed at all times to ensure children are safe.
The staff of the North Huron Children’s Centre will be aware that there are prohibited practices as indicated below:
No Licensee shall permit, with respect to a child receiving child care at a child care centre it operates or at a premises where it oversees the provision of child care:
- Corporal punishment of the child;
- Physical restraint of the child, such as confining the child to a high chair, car seat, stroller or other device for the purposes of discipline or in lieu of supervision, unless the physical restraint is for the purpose of preventing a child from hurting himself, herself or someone else, and is used only as a last resort and only until the risk of injury is no longer imminent;
- Locking the exits of the child care centre or home for the purpose of confining the child, or confining the child in an area or room without adult supervision, unless such confinement occurs during an emergency and is required as part of the licensee’s emergency management policies and procedures;
- Use of harsh or degrading measures or threats or use of derogatory language directed at or used in the presence of a child that would humiliate, shame or frighten the child or undermine his or her self-respect, dignity or self-worth;
- Depriving the child of basic needs including food, drink, shelter, sleep, toilet use, clothing or bedding; or
- Inflicting any bodily harm on children including making children eat or drink against their will.
Staff are not permitted to use prohibited practices
More specifically the above prohibited practices mean staff, students and or volunteers will not hit, pull, push or shove children or make any other sort of aggressive physical contact. They will not raise their voice, shout and or make comments that are sarcastic or rude. Staff will not isolate or ignore a child. Children will not have to finish foods, try foods or drinks on command or in order to get more food. They will not be placed in a room and locked in. They will not be restrained against their will or left unattended.
Contraventions of our Program Statement:
- The Manager would bring the concern regarding the implementation of the program statement to the attention of the staff member, volunteer or student.
- A meeting with regard to the concern would take place. Discussion would ensure that the program statement policies are clearly understood.
- A record of the meeting will be kept and signed by the parties involved. It then becomes a permanent part of the person’s file and a copy would be placed in their file.
- Goals would be set to assist the person in following the Program Implementation Policy.
- A follow up schedule may be set to ensure appropriate expectations are maintained. Other team members may be consulted for input or clarification.
- Staff may be suspended or terminated with consultation of upper management.
Monitoring of Implementation of Program Statement will be done in several ways:
Staff will be encouraged to complete four self-reflections that will be provided to the manager. Written responses will be provided that expand, encourage or challenge staff to consider a variety of perspectives and continue ongoing professional learning and engagement with How Does Learning Happen.
The Manager provides ongoing support, ideas and reflective learning at all staff meetings. Team meetings will be facilitated when possible and linking of staff with a mentor if requested.
The manager will encourage and discuss Program Statement Implementation during regular visits in their rooms.
The Manager reviews and is aware of documentation and how it demonstrates program statements and will provide input on strategies to further develop How Does Learning Happen Strategies.
Application forms for all programs may be picked up at the North Huron Children’s Centre or online at the Township of North Huron website. Children from newborns up to 12 years old are eligible to enroll. At times, due to full enrolment, children may need to be placed on a waiting list in order to secure a space, when it becomes available. Spaces are prioritized by full time, reserved and then booking as required. If you occupy a part time space you may be given notice in order to accommodate a full time child.
North Huron Children’s Programs
All of the North Huron Children’s Programs are licensed by the Ministry of Education. We are fortunate to offer a program staffed with professionals trained in Early Childhood Education. The child to staff ratios are as follows:
- One teacher for every three infants (Newborn to 18 months)
- One teacher for every five toddlers (18 months to 2.5 years)
- One teacher for every 8 preschool child (2.5 to five years)
- One teacher for every 10 School Age Children (JK/SK age)
- One teacher for every 15 School Age Children (6-12 years)
- Program Assistants are always over and above required ratios.
There are a total of 67 spaces in the Main Child Care Center: 10 spaces are allocated for Infants (Newborn to 18 months), 25 spaces for Toddlers (18 to 30 months), 32 spaces are for Preschool children (2.5 to 5 years).
The Early Learning Site (located at Sacred Heart School) is licensed for 40 preschool spaces.
The Before and After School program at Sacred Heart is licensed for 20 spaces.
The Before and After School program at Maitland River has 46 JK/SK spaces, and 45 Grade One and Up spaces.
Child care fee assistance is available for all programs as they are registered through the Ministry of Education. Please contact the County office in which you reside to inquire about the child care subsidy.
North Huron Waitlist Policy
North Huron Children’s Programs will maintain a wait list if necessary. All persons who inquire will be asked to complete the cover page of our registration forms and return it by fax, email or in person to the manager or their designate.
The family will receive an email to confirm we have received the cover page.
Spaces will be filled according to priority not necessarily date of submission on waitlist.
Priorities for filling spaces:
- Full time space required
- Family with more than one child
- Family with another child already enrolled
- Age of child (group availability)
- Working parents, then students, then socialization spaces
- Reserved regular days
- Booking spaces as available
If parents request a list will be made available to them which will include the date of the submission of the cover page, the initials of the child, the initials of both parents, the age group requested, the number of days requested.
The Program will try to provide the best information on when a space may be available but this information may not be possible.
Spaces can become available if a child drops out or moves age groups.
Families who use limited days or booking by schedule may be given notice that type of space is no longer available.
Anyone whose account is in arrears may lose their space.
No parent will be required to pay for their child’s name to be on the waitlist.
Hours of Operation
The Day Care and Early Learning programs operate year round. The Before and After School Programs only operate from September to June, to coincide with the school year. In December, all programs are closed during the two-week Christmas break. The hours at the Main Centre, Early Learning Site, and Sacred Heart Before and After School Hours are 6:30am until 5:30pm, Monday through Friday. The hours for the Maitland River Before and After School hours are 6:30am until 6:00pm. Parents will be advised well in advance of any changes.
Parental Issues and Concerns
Our programs value your opinions and ideas. If for any reason you have a concern, question or issues we suggest you complete the following steps:
- Talk to your child’s teacher and or other teachers in the building directly. Staff will actively listen and respond to the parent working together to solve the concern, question and/or issue. The staff will inform the Manager and/or designate of the conversation and plan if applicable. If this does not resolve the issue then move to step two.
- The parent will write their request, concern and/or issue on a Parental Request Form and return it to the staff.
- Staff will meet with the Manager to discuss concerns. Staff and Manager will follow up in writing within 2 business days.
- If your concern or request has not been addressed by the staff or you continue to have concerns, please write the concern on a Parental Request Form with attention to the Manager of the program.
- The Manager will address the concern and provide you a written record of how it was addressed, to whom it was addressed and the plan for a better outcome. It will be addressed within 2 business days in writing.
- We are operated by the Township of North Huron. If you feel your concern has not been addressed adequately you may contact the Township Office or go online to the website and follow the steps to fill out a complaint form. It will be followed up by the relevant staff person.
- If you have followed the above steps and do not feel satisfied, we encourage you to call the Ministry of Education Office or email them and direct your concern to them.
Emergency Management Policy
North Huron Children’s Programs have Emergency Management Plans. If your child is affected by an emergency you will be contacted by staff by phone or "Hi Mama" when possible. You may also listen to local radio for updates as well as any social media our programs participate in.
Children registered in the programs are expected to attend as scheduled or booked. If your child is going to be absent on one of his/her regularly booked days, it is important to inform the Centre in advance. If your child is sick and will not be attending please call as soon as possible to allow for appropriate staffing. Your child must be booked in advance with the staff, to ensure there is adequate space for him/her to attend.
Child Care Centre
Safe Arrival and Dismissal Policy and Procedures
This policy and the procedures within help support the safe arrival and dismissal of children receiving care.
This policy will provide staff, students and volunteers with a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities for ensuring the safe arrival and dismissal of children receiving care, including what steps are to be taken when a child does not arrive at the child care centre as expected, as well as steps to follow to ensure the safe dismissal of children.
This policy is intented to fulfil the obligations set out under Ontario Regulation 137/15 for policies and procedures regarding the safe arrival and dismissal of children in care.
- North Huron Children’s Programs will ensure that any child receiving child care at the child care centre is only released to the child’s parent/guardian or an individual that the parent/guardian has provided written authorization the child care centre may release the child to.
- North Huron Children’s Programs will only dismiss children into the care of their parent/guardian or another authorized individual. The centre will not release any children from care without supervision.
- Where a child does not arrive in care as expected or is not picked up as expected, staff must follow the safe arrival and dismissal procedures set out below.
- Children will only be released to an adult, 18 years or older.
Accepting a child into care
- When accepting a child into care at the time of drop-off, program staff in the room must:
- greet the parent/guardian and child.
- ask the parent/guardian how the child’s evening/morning has been and if there are any changes to the child’s pick-up procedure (i.e., someone other than the parent/guardian picking up). Where the parent/guardian has indicated that someone other than the child’s parent/guardians will be picking up, the staff must confirm that the person is listed on the child’s Emergency Contact Sheet or where the individual is not listed, ask the parent/guardian to provide authorization for pick-up in writing through email or a written Parental request form.
- document the change in pick-up procedure in the daily written record.
- sign the child in on the classroom attendance record.
Where a child has not arrived in care as expected
- Where a child does not arrive at the child care centre and the parent/guardian has not communicated a change in drop-off (e.g., left a voice message or advised the closing staff at pick-up), the staff in the classroom must:
- inform the Manager/Supervisors and they must commence contacting the child’s parent/guardian no later than 10:00 am. Staff shall call the child’s parent/guardian, leaving a message if unable to speak directly with the parent/guardian. If a response is not received by mid-afternoon the same day, staff will follow up by reaching out to the parent/guardian to touch base and check on the status of the child. If no response after 3 attempts staff will reach out to another authorized contact on the child’s Emergency Contact Sheet to check on the status of the child and family.
- If unable to make contact with any of the child’s listed Emergency Contacts, please inform the Manager/Supervisors for further instruction and a wellness check will be put in to place and proper authorities will be connected.
Once the child’s absence has been confirmed, program staff shall document the child’s absence on the attendance record and any additional information about the child’s absence in the daily written record.
Releasing a child from care
- The staff who is supervising the child at the time of pick-up shall only release the child to the child’s parent/guardian or individual that the parent/guardian has provided written authorization that the child care may release the child to. Where the staff does not know the individual picking up the child (i.e., parent/guardian or authorized individual),
- confirm with another staff member that the individual picking up is the child’s parent/guardian/authorized individual.
- where the above is not possible, ask the parent/guardian/authorized individual for photo identification and confirm the individual’s information against the parent/guardian/authorized individual’s name on the child’s file or written authorization.
Where a child has not been picked up as expected (before centre closes)
- Where a parent/guardian has previously communicated with the staff a specific time or timeframe that their child is to be picked up from care and the child has not been picked up by 5:30 pm, the program staff shall contact the parent/guardian by phone call and advise that the child is still in care and has not been picked up.
- Where the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian, staff must call again and leave a message for the parent/guardian, and then continue to call the next authorized Emergency Contact listed on the child’s Emergency Contact Sheet. . Where the individual picking up the child is an authorized individual and their contact information is available, the staff shall proceed with contacting the individual to confirm pick-up as per the parent/guardian’s instructions or leave a voice message to contact the centre.
- Where the staff has not heard back from the parent/guardian or authorized individual who was to pick up the child the staff shall continue trying to contact the parent/guardian and the authorized individual indicated for pick up, until contact with an adult is made and a pick up plan is confirmed or the centre closes, and then refer to the procedures under “where a child has not been picked up and the centre is closed”.
Where a child has not been picked up and the centre is closed
- Where a parent/guardian or authorized individual who was supposed to pick up a child from care and has not arrived by 5:45, staff shall ensure that the child is given a snack and activity, while they await their pick-up.
- The staff will stay with the child, and proceed with calling the parent/guardian to advise that the child is still in care and inquire their pick-up time. In the case where the person picking up the child is an authorized individual, the staff shall call the parent/guardian first, and then proceed to contact the authorized individual responsible for pick-up if unable to reach the parent/guardian.
- If the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian or authorized individual who was responsible for picking up the child, the staff shall begin calling the next authorized person listed on the child’s Emergency Contact Sheet.
- Where the staff is unable to reach the parent/guardian or any other authorized individual listed on the child’s file (e.g., the emergency contacts) by 6:30 pm the staff shall proceed with contacting the local Children’s Aid Society (CAS) 519-524-7356 (After Hours Emergency Number 519-272-0188). Staff shall follow the CAS’s direction with respect to next steps.
Dismissing a child from care without supervision procedures
Staff will only release children from care to the parent/guardian or other authorized adult. Under no circumstances will children be released from care to walk home alone.
Payment Policies
When registering your child at any of North Huron Children’s Programs, you will be asked to decide if you are booking by reserved days or by written schedule. You will sign a payment agreement based on the following two options:
Reserved Spaces
Payment for your child care services is based on your reserved days. You may register your child to use any pre-determined set days. This is recommended if you require a guaranteed space. Booking by schedule does not guarantee a space. If Statutory Holidays fall on any of your pre-set days you are billed as usual.
Spaces by Booking
If your family requires child care based on flexible schedules, you are required to give your schedule in writing to the Centre each Tuesday morning, for the following week. Families booking by written schedules are not guaranteed a space. You are billed for what you booked. Once you have submitted your schedule you may request additional days, but your originally booked days will be billed. Spaces are filled on a first come, first serve basis. See Weather and Illness Policies for further information.
Payments and Illness (Sick Days)
Our objective is to minimize the possibility that an illness will be brought into the Centre. We ask that you do not bring a sick child to the Centre. You are required to pay for your child's space when they are ill. If your child has suffered from vomiting, diarrhea, or any other communicable illness, we ask that they must not attend the Centre for 48 hours gastral and 24 hours fever free after the last episode. Please read and be aware of the illness policy as directed by the Pubic Health Department.
Children will be able to return when their temperature is normal for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medication, symptoms are visibly improving or advise from a doctor or medical practitioner. Sick Days are required to be paid for as rooms are staffed accordingly. If you are a parent receiving fee assistance, please be aware user fees apply to all days with no reduction in the rate set by the County.
Payment during Inclement Weather
If your child was scheduled to attend the North Huron Children’s Programs and they are officially open, you are billed for the scheduled day. If the Program officially closes, you will not be billed.
Vacation Days
Families may book up to three weeks vacation annually. Families must book their vacations two weeks in advance, in writing. You may book vacations in one week blocks (Monday-Friday). Individual days away from the program will be billed.
Statutory Holidays
If you use more than three days per week and statutory holidays fall on your reserved day you are billed for the statutory holiday. If you use two days or less, you will not be billed for Statutory Holidays.
Centre Closures
North Huron Children’s Programs are closed annually over the Christmas period for some additional days, above and beyond the statutory holidays. You are not billed during this Christmas Shut Down. During this period, annual painting and floor waxing are completed. The days the Centre will close will be decided well in advance, to allow for alternate childcare planning and will be based on family needs and custodial plans. The Centre is closed for all statutory holidays, regular fees apply. If the Centre closes for weather related reasons, you will not be billed for that day. Weather closures will be reported to the local radio stations and reported on our Facebook page. Given the number of families that use daily care, it is difficult to notify everyone individually. Therefor, it will be the responsibility of the parent to check if the programs are closed.
Childcare programs are closed to observe the following statutory holidays:
Family Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day
Christmas Break (2 weeks)
Please be aware that if you use three or more days per week you are billed for statutory holidays.
Payment Procedures
When you enroll in the children’s programs you will be expected to pay in advance of your child care. Payments are due the first day you attend. Payments can cover one week, two weeks or a month at a time. If you are attending by schedule, a payment is due the first day each week you have scheduled.
Cheques or cash are accepted. Post dated weekly cheques are encouraged if this is helpful for families. Please give your payment to a staff member, or place your cheque in the envelope marked cheques on the back bulletin board. A receipt will be issued and attached to your child’s locker. We prefer that persons making cash payments wait while their receipt is issued immediately. Payments are encouraged in the morning to allow for proper processing.
Subsidy is available to families who feel they are unable to afford the full fee. Please see one of the staff, if you wish to apply for full or partial subsidy. Subsidy applications are completed by the County of Huron.
Monthly statements will be attached to your child’s locker the first week of each month. The statement should indicate your previous month is paid and what amount is due for the current month. Accounts not kept current will receive a written notice. Child Care may be terminated at any time if an account is past due. Accounts in arrears will be forwarded to the Township of North Huron for collection. The Township of North Huron will send to collection any accounts unpaid.
Pick-up Times
Any change from your normal pick-up schedule must be pre-arranged with the staff. Staff is scheduled according to the number of children at any given time, therefore coming earlier or staying later may compromise the child/staff ratio. Child/staff ratios are regulated by the Child Care and Early Learning Act and it is extremely important that we maintain them at all times. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated in adhering to your scheduled hours, for all children’s safety.
Staff will not release your child to any person other than those listed on your application. If there are any changes to your child’s pick-up, it is expected that you will notify the staff in advance.
If there is an occasion where you are unable to pick-up before the building closes, it would be expected that you would make arrangements for someone else to pick your child up, and phone the Day Care Centre to notify them of this.
Late Policy
North Huron Children’s Centre and the Early Learning Centre close at 5:30 pm. The After School Programs close at 6 pm. Parents who pick up after this time are officially late. Late fees will apply.
The late fee schedule is $5.20 for every five minutes that the staff is kept in the program after closing.
You will be asked to sign a late form and late fee will be added to your monthly bill. Parents who are subsidized are responsible for this fee it is not covered by subsidy. We thank you for using our services and ask that you consider this policy when arranging your child’s pick up.
Arrival and Departure
The North Huron Children’s Centre does not supply transportation. This must be arranged by the parents. It is necessary for parents to deliver their child and collect him/her. If parents want to prevent certain persons from gaining access to their child, the staff must be told who these people are. If a Court Order is in place which limits access to your child, please provide a copy to be placed in your child’s file. In such cases and subject to the above precautions, it is required that parents provide a list of people who may be permitted to escort their child on occasion. Space is provided on the application form for this information. Please inform the Staff in the morning or call during the day, to confirm any change in your normal pick-up arrangement. In the case of separated or divorced parents, where either one or the other has legal visiting rights, these rights may not be exercised on the North Huron Children’s Program’s premises.
Required Notification Period (Ending Care)
If you will be leaving the program we require two weeks written notice. You are billed for this period.
If your required days change we require two weeks written notice to modify your reserve days. Changes must be required on an ongoing basis. Changes for appointments and occasional days off are not permitted and are still billed.
Clothes which are comfortable, easy to get on and off and are washable are most suitable for the children to wear. Indoor shoes or slippers should be worn. Children play outside twice daily both summer and winter, so please send appropriate clothing. In the winter this would include: snow pants, hats, mitts and warm boots. Boots should be large enough to slide on and off easily. Two pairs of warm mitts should accompany your child each day during the winter months. Do not use mitts with strings, as they can be dangerous on our play yard. We also ask that children do not bring scarves, as they can get caught in equipment, please send neck warmers instead. In the spring, please send rubber boots and splash pants for your child. All clothing and personal belongings should be clearly labeled. Be sure to send an extra complete change of clothing.
Off-Site Excursions
The North Huron Children’s Programs will occasionally take excursions off the property. These excursions are generally to participate in local events or locations in the community. Parents can check their child's calendars for small excursions such as splash pad, post office, walks etc. You will see a consent in your registration packages to approve this. We do not take trips that require transportation in vehicles.
Sun Safety
We encourage families to protect their children from the sun by applying a generous amount of sunscreen each day, before their children arrive at the programs. The staff attempts to limit sun exposure, but please sign the consent form regarding staff reapplying sunscreen if required. This consent is found in your registration form. A sun hat is always a good idea too! Sunscreen must be provided by individual families for their child. It will be kept onsite labelled with the child's name.
We are a peanut free environment where peanuts and peanut products are not used or allowed in the building. Please do not bring any snacks or beverages into the Centre. If your child has peanuts or peanut butter at home, please change his/her clothing and make sure his/her hands and face are thoroughly washed before arriving at day care. On occasion we have children enrolled, who have life threatening allergies to these products. Your adherence to this policy is essential.
Food Entering the Premises
We are a peanut/nut free environment where peanut/nut products are not used or allowed in the building. We ask that food and drink not be brought into the building. If your child has specific dietary needs or restrictions and requires you to bring lunch and/or snack items into the building the following is required:
- The parent will discuss with the Manager and/or designate any requirements regarding specifics of the child's dietary needs.
- A discussion of foods that are not permitted into the Centre will be started with families.
- The parent will fill out a parental request form notifying staff to the specifics regarding their child's dietary needs.
- The child's full name is clearly labeled on their lunch bag and/or containers.
- Items contained are in original packaging with labels and have been screened by the parent for any ingredients and do not contain peanuts/nuts.
- Any changes to the child's dietary needs will be recorded in writing using a Parental request form.
Sleep Policy
Staff in all sleep rooms are doing direct visual checks of sleeping children. They are physically present and checking for indicators of distress or unusual behaviors.
Staff will ensure there is sufficient lighting in the sleep room or area to conduct the direct visual checks.
Children in our programs are assigned individual cots or cribs labelled with their names. When children are enrolled sleep information is collected on registrations. Sleep arrangements are discussed as need throughout the child’s time in program.
Parents will be provided with information if their child is observed to have any significant changes in sleep patterns or behaviours during sleep. They will then come up with adjustments in how the child will be supervised during sleep.
Infant Sleep
North Huron Children’s Programs will ensure that children under 12 months old are placed for sleep in a manner consistent with the recommendations set out in the Joint Statement of Safe Sleep, unless a child’s physician recommends otherwise in writing.
In the infant room these physical checks will be documented. Staff will attend each sleep crib and or cot and place their hand on the child to feel them breathing. These checks will be performed every fifteen minutes then the person doing the check will place their initials on the sleep chart outside the crib room. Parents of children under 12 months will be advised of our obligation to ensure that children under 12 months are placed for sleep in a manner consistent with the recommendations set out in the Joint Statement of Safe Sleep. Electronic Sleep Monitor is used in the infant room to assist staff when a child wakes up. It does not replace the direct physical checks performed by the staff. It will be check daily by infant teachers to ensure it is working and on. If the monitor is not working staff will ensure all staff have been informed and that they are able to hear children as they wake without the device.
Administration of Medication and Children’s Safety:
- If any staff at the North Huron Children’s Centre has reasonable grounds to suspect that a child is or may be in need of protection, the staff must promptly report the suspicion and the information upon which it is based, to a Children’s Aid Society.
- Before being admitted, each child, unless there is a stated medical reason, should be immunized against Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Polio, Measles, Mumps and Rubella.
- The Centre will require a photocopy of your child’s yellow immunization card. Immunization Records are checked by our local Health Unit.
- If prescriptions are to be administered in the programs, parents must sign a medication consent form that is available from your child’s teacher. Over the counter medications are not encouraged. Please find medications that can be administered at home and have long lasting coverage. All medicines must be in their original container, with your child’s name clearly labeled on it. In the event that the medicine form is not clearly filled out, giving specific instructions and signed, the medicine will not be given. Specific instructions must include either a specific time or specific symptom to be addressed (‘as needed’ is not specific enough). All medications are to be given directly to a teacher who will place them in a locked box. Refrigerated medicines will be kept in a locked container in the fridge. Please ask a staff to retrieve your medications at pick up time.
- Children arriving at the North Huron Children’s Centre with undiagnosed eye infections or rashes; fevers or flu-like symptoms, including diarrhea will not be permitted to stay at the Centre, until they have been examined by a doctor. Following flu-like symptoms, a child must be symptom free for a period of 48 hours before returning to the Centre, to ensure that they are no longer contagious. Please consider other children’s health as an important factor!
Staff Qualifications and Training
Staff hired at North Huron Children’s Programs are Registered Early Childhood Educators with the College of Early Childhood Education. You may check the register on line at Some staff are hired as untrained and then work closely with an Early Childhood Educator. All staff in the program provide a Criminal Record and Vulnerable Screen check at time of hire and sign a declaration each year. These are renewed every five years.
All staff working regularly in the child care buildings or programs has Standard First Aid and Infant/Child CPR.
All staff in the programs follow the How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years and participate in Continuous Professional Learning.
Posting of Serious Occurrences
Parental Notification of Serious Occurrences is required related to a Serious Occurrence.
The forms will be completed by the Manager or the Designate of the program. It will be posted within 24 hours of the Serious Occurrence.
At North Huron Children’s Programs the form will be posted with the license summary and where our license is available. It is in the front entrance area which is available to all parents.
The form will follow all instructions regarding privacy and confidentiality. The form will be posted for 10 days and will remain posted for 10 days after any updates. Updates include any actions and any follow up actions as they are added and dated as completed.
In the event that allegations of abuse and mistreatment have been reported as a serious occurrence the Parent Notification Form will be posted at the conclusion of any CAS investigation and any Ministry Investigations. Outcomes will include if the occurrence was verified or not verified.
Student and Volunteers
Students and volunteers in our programs do not have unsupervised access to children in our programs. All volunteers and students review and sign off on all policy and procedures in relation to working with the children in our programs. Students and Volunteers will be monitored at all times.North Huron Children's Programs Daily Fee Schedule
The Township of North Huron and The North Huron Children's Centre has enrolled in the Canada Wide Early Learning and Child Care System (CWELCC). The North Huron Children's Programs application has been reviewed and approved to help reduce childcare fees at the Municipal Childcare Centre; giving families access to more affordable high-quality child care. Eligible children are defined as any child up to the age of 6 until the end of the birth month.We believe that childcare provides a strong foundation for early Childhood Development and well-being of children, and we are committed to providing childcare services that meet the needs of your children and families. Participating in the CWELCC System will help us continue to provide high quality childcare that is accessible, affordable, inclusive, and sustainable.
Effective December 31, 2022 the parent portion of the child care fees has been reduced to reflect the CWELCC grant funding received by the Municipality under the Federal and Provincial agreement. Children are eligible for the Canada Wide Early Learning and Childcare (CWELCC) program for ages 0-5.
If your child is in their sixth year, they are eligible as stated below;
- Up to June 30 for those born between January and June
- To the end of the child's birth month for those between July and December
Program | 2024 PreviousUnreduced Fees | CWELCCFunding | 2024 Parent Portion(Base Fee) |
Infant | $52.78 | $28.80 | $23.98 |
Toddler | $47.58 | $25.96 | $21.62 |
Preschool | $42.38 | $23.13 | $19.25 |
Early Learning at Sacred Heart | $42.38 | $23.13 | $19.25 |
Before School JK/SK (MR & SH) | $11.96 | ||
After School JK/SK (MR & SH) | $11.96 | ||
After School JK/SK (MR & SH) | $9.88 | ||
Before School GR1+ (MR & SH) | $11.44 | ||
After School GR1+ (MR & SH) | $11.44 | ||
After School GR1+ (MR & SH) | $9.88 | ||
Before & After School JK/SK (MR & SH) | $23.92 | $11.92 | $12.00 |
Late Fee (non-base fee) | $1.04/Min | ||
One-Time |
$11.18 |
$4.41 |
$6.77 |
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