MEDIA CONTACT: Darcy Chapman, Treasurer/Director of Finance T: 519-357-3550 | E: dchapman@northhuron.ca
North Huron Approves 2022 Budget
Following discussion and deliberation by North Huron Council during several meetings that included receiving public feedback, Council approved the 2022 Municipal Budget at their meeting on February 7, 2022.
Municipal staff, at the direction of Council, has provided a budget with a total tax increase of 6.28%. This means an increase for the average North Huron homeowner with a property assessment of $200,000 between $94 and $118 annually depending on ward location.
The 2022 budget reflects an additional $302,000 in capital spending, with a 2.11% increase to operating expenses. It also includes updated fees and charges, with an increase of water and sewer rates of 7.1% resulting in the average household increase of approximately $54 annually.
“This budget is about providing a continuity of existing programs and services” said Reeve Bernie Bailey. “Council and staff have put significant effort into providing a final budget that focuses on delivering valuable services and programs to look after the well-being of our residents, while adhering to Council’s Strategic Priorities, Debt Management Policy and Reserve Fund Balances.”
North Huron’s total budgeted expenditures are more than $16.8M with property taxes funding approximately 40% of the costs. Total budgeted capital expenses will top $12.5M in 2022 with the majority funded from development charges, government grants and long-term debt. Residential properties account for almost 75% of the tax levy followed by farmland at 13% and commercial at 10%.
Payment of Levy:
- Wingham ward pays 49%
- East Wawanosh 32%
- Blyth 19%.
For more information on the 2022 budget, visit www.northhuron.ca/en/municipal-government/budgets.aspx
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