North Huron Hires Nancy Small As Chief Building Official/By-law Enforcement Officer
NORTH HURON, ON (February 25, 2022) – The Township of North Huron is pleased to announce that Nancy Small has accepted the position of Chief Building Official/By-law Enforcement Officer.
Ms. Small joins North Huron as a certified Chief Building Official with thirty (30) years of experience in the construction industry, twenty (20) of which she has worked in the capacity as a Municipal Building Official.
Prior to accepting the position, Ms. Small worked for the Town of Innisfil where she has held the positions of Acting Deputy Chief Building Official, Fire Prevention Inspector and Senior Building Inspector/Plans Examiner. Ms. Small has also previously worked for the City of Brampton and the County of Dufferin and teaches Architectural Design courses for Georgian College. She has a wealth of knowledge and the Township of North Huron is looking forward to her becoming an integral part of our team.
“Ms. Small brings both public and private sector experience to the position. She will be a great asset to the organization and her ability to effectively collaborate with developers and builders will be a great strength as the Township of North Huron continues to grow and develop,” says Reeve Bailey. “I am very pleased that she has accepted the Chief Building Official/By-law Enforcement Officer position, and we are looking forward to working with her.”
Ms. Small will assume the position on March 21, 2022. Her initial focus will be on the transition of the buildings service files from RSM Building Consultants.
Carson Lamb, Clerk T: 519-357-3550 | E:
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