April 12, 2021
SPOKESPERSON: Glen McNeil, Warden 519.524.8394 x3224 warden@huroncounty.ca
SWIFT Improving Internet Access in Huron County
Huron County, Ontario – The County of Huron is pleased to share that Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) has awarded contracts to expand broadband in Huron County to the following Internet Service Providers: Tuckersmith Communications, Hay Communications, Wightman Telecom, and HuronTel. This means 10 fibre optic projects in Huron County, bringing more reliable internet to over 1,800 homes and businesses.
The total value of these broadband projects is $15,035,638. Of that total, the County of Huron has committed up to $2.8 million through the SWIFT Plus Program to help improve internet access for Huron County residents.
“Access to reliable broadband service is essential for Huron County to maintain our vibrant, connected, and prosperous community,” said Warden Glen McNeil, “The pandemic has only further highlighted the importance of reliable internet. Access to broadband is essential for people to be able to connect, learn, and do business. This announcement is wonderful news for our community.”
These projects mean 334.5 fibre kilometres being serviced to bring better internet access in Huron. By building on preexisting broadband infrastructure in the County and improving those assets, stronger internet connectivity will be delivered for eligible areas throughout the County.
Rural broadband internet service is a critical infrastructure, just like roads and municipal water. Investing in expanding this infrastructure today ensures Huron County is ready for the future.
“County Council has spent many years, working collaboratively with other levels of government and local telecommunications companies to increase internet access to Huron County’s residents.” said County of Huron CAO, Meighan Wark. “It’s fantastic to see all that hard work, persistence and commitment come to fruition with this recent announcement from SWIFT and the County of Huron.”
In partnership with SWIFT, the County of Huron continues its advocacy work for additional money from the Federal and Provincial governments to fund more broadband expansion projects in under serviced areas for Huron.
For more information on SWIFT projects for Huron County, please visit https://swiftruralbroadband.ca/projects/approved-projects/ .
Quick Facts:
- Western Ontario Wardens' Caucus Inc. (WOWC) is a not-for-profit organization representing 15 upper and single tier municipalities in southwestern Ontario with more than three million residents.
- Southwestern Integrated Fibre Technology (SWIFT) SWIFT Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation established by the WOWC to address connectivity in Southwestern Ontario that will support the critical expansion of broadband to underserved areas.
- These newly announced projects are part of SWIFT’s $209 million broadband expansion plan that aims to bring better broadband access to approximately 50,000 underserved homes and businesses across Southwestern Ontario.
- Huron County to receive $15,035,638 in broadband upgrades to support 10 fibre-to-the-home projects.
- The newly announced projects will collectively service 334.5 kilometres of underserved roadway to bring better broadband connectivity to approximately 1800 premises within Huron.
- View SWIFT’s media release on the Huron County projects here: https://swiftruralbroadband.ca/newsroom/ .
The County of Huron asks the community to continue respecting all public health guidelines, including performing hand hygiene, practicing physical distancing, wearing masks and staying home if ill. Stay informed on the COVID-19 situation in Huron County by visiting the Huron-Perth Public Health website.
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